• Ali Padang Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidimpuan
  • Amir Syaripuddin Universitas Negeri Jambi
Keywords: Merdeka Curriculum, HistoryTeaching, Sekolah Penggerak.


This study aims to determine (1) the history lessonĀ  plans using Merdeka Curriculum for grade X at SMA Penggerak Portibi, (2) the implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in history lesson for grade X at SMA Penggerak Portibi, (3) the evaluation of the teaching and learning activities for history lesson based on Merdeka Curriculum for grade X at SMA Penggerak Portibi. This study applies a qualitative method with a case study approach. The sources of the data are informants, namely the history teachers and students, documents, and historical learning events. The results of the study show that (1) the planning of history teaching withMerdeka Curriculum is carried out by the teachers compiling the ATP and teaching modules themselves. However, one of the schools under KOSP's accessibility is closed off and the teachersof both schools are not aware of the existence and contents of KOSP. (2) The implementation of history teaching is designed according to the achievements of learners, there are some learning processes that are not in accordance with the principles contained in the study, such as the teaching modules are not prepared beforehand, the PLP students participate in teaching based on Merdeka Curriculum, there is no teaching assessment from students for the teachers, as well as the monotonous learning methods, lack of contextual learning, and unused social studies (IPS) books. (3) The evaluation of the teaching and learning activities shows that there are some implementations that are not in line with the principles of teaching and learning assessment based on Merdeka Curriculum. The history teaching and learning activities that are not in line with the principles of assessment namely, there is no self- assessment norfriend-assessment for students, the assessment rubricin the modulesare not used and there are no post-test quizzes. Nonetheless, the teachers have fulfilledsome of the principles and tried to implement the Merdeka Curriculum as best as they could.
