• nikmah sari siregar IPTS TAPSEL
Keywords: Keywords: community, punk, and life.




                                                                   This study aims to describe the live of anak punk community in Padangsidimpuan during 2001-2017. The approach of the research was qualitative by applying history method which includes heuristic, source critic, interpretation, and historiography. Interview was used in collecting the data and the finding of the research 1) the lives of anak punk have not received attention from the city government Padangsidimpuan so they are free to roam anywhere in the city of Padangsidimpuan, 2) Padangsidimpuan society considers the presence of anak punk  is destroyer of the younger generation, especially students who have unstable and likes to imitate, and 3) the live of anak punk community gives negative impact because they  often commit criminals, drink liquor, and asking for money when singing.


Keywords: community, punk, and life.

How to Cite
siregar, nikmah. (2021, May 4). KOMUNITAS ANAK PUNK DI KOTA PADANGSIDIMPUAN (2001-2017). JURNAL MISI, 3(1), 29-36. Retrieved from https://jurnal.ipts.ac.id/index.php/MISI/article/view/435

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