Pengaruh Kecerdasan Intelektual Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Siswa dikelas XI SMA Swasta Harapan Pokenjior
The aim of this study is to know whether there is a significant influence of intelligence and students’ economic achievement at the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta Harapan Pokenjior. The research was conducted by applying descriptive quantitative (correlational design) with 42 students as the sample and they were taken by using total sampling technique. Questionnaire and documentation were used in collecting the data. Based on descriptive analysis, it was found: (a) the average of intelligence was 2.85 (good category) and (b) the average of students’ economic achievement was 76.88 (good category). Furthermore, based on inferential statistic by using partial ttest , the result showed ttable was less tha tcalculated (1.68 <2.164). It means, there is a significant influence of intelligence and students’ economic achievement at the eleventh grade students of SMA Swasta Harapan Pokenjior
Keywords: intelligence, students’ economic achievement