The Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension at Grade VII SMP Negeri 5 Padangsidimpuan
The research problem encompasses both the instructional approach and the instructional materials. Because the teaching strategies are not appropriate for the students' circumstances, the teaching-learning process does not provide positive results. The study's goals were to determine the most common teaching method for reading comprehension at grade VII SMP N 5 Padangsidimpuan and to find out what strategies teachers employ in this regard. Descriptive analysis was the method utilized in this qualitative study of a phenomenon. The research participant was a Grade VII teacher at SMP 5 Padangsidimpuan. The information was gathered through interviews and observation. The five steps of data analysis were data management, reading/memorization, description, classification, and interpretation. Member checking was done in this study to assess the reliability of the data. According to the study's findings, teachers' methods for teaching reading comprehension included pre-reading, such as vocabulary analysis and clustering or mapping strategies, which helped students learn new words and understand their meanings; during reading or during reading activities, such as taking notes or outlining strategies, which helped students understand the key points of the text; and post-reading, or after reading, which included retelling strategies that helped students retain the information.