The Effect of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) on Students' Writing Descriptive Text Ability at the Tenth Grade Students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat in 2022/2023 Academic Year

  • despi ramadani siregar Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan


Abstract: The purpose of this research are to find out: 1) The extent of using picture word inductive model (PWIM) in teaching writing descriptive text at the tenth grade students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat in 2022/2023 academic year. 2) The extent of the students’ writing descriptive text before and after using picture word inductive model (PWIM) on students’ writing descriptive text ability at the tenth grade students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat in 2022/2023 academic year. 3) Whether there is any significant effect of using picture word inductive model (PWIM) on students’ writing descriptive text at the tenth grade students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat in 2022/2023 academic year. The population of this research is all the tenth grade students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat which consist of 43 students and they were taken by using total sampling. The data collection technique used the observation sheet and test. The results of this research: 1) The application of word inductive model (PWIM) is 3,83, it is categorized ”very good”. 2) The mean score of students’ writing descriptive text ability before using picture word inductive model (PWIM) is 48,25, it is categorized “fail”. Meanwhile, after using picture word inductive model (PWIM) is 77,44, it is categorized “good”. 3) The results of data analysis showed that the ttest is higher than ttable (ttest 15,94 > ttable 2,01). So, the hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of using picture word inductive model (PWIM) students’ writing descriptive text ability at the tenth grade students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat in 2022/2023 academic year.
Key Words: Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), Writing Descriptive Text
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Sejauh mana penggunaan picture word inductive model (PWIM) dalam pengajaran kemampuan menulis teks descriptive pada siswa kelas X MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. 2) Sejauh mana kemampuan menulis teks descriptive siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan picture word inductive model (PWIM) terhadap kemampuan menulis teks descriptive siswa pada kelas X MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. 3) Apakah ada pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan picture word inductive model (PWIM) terhadap kemampuan menulis teks descriptive siswa kelas X MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat yang terdiri dari 43 siswa dan diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini: 1) Penerapan picture word inductive model (PWIM) adalah 3,83, termasuk kriteria sangat baik. 2) Skor Rata-rata kemampuan menulis teks descriptive siswa sebelum menggunakan picture word inductive model (PWIM) adalah 48,25 dikategorikan gagal. Sedangkan setelah menggunakan picture word inductive model (PWIM) adalah 77,44 dikategorikan baik. 3) Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ttest lebih besar dari ttable (ttest 15,94 > ttable 2,01). Jadi, hipotesis diterima. Artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari picture word inductive model (PWIM) terhadap kemampuan menulis teks descriptive siswa kelas X Mas Baiturrahman Parau Sorat tahun pelajaran 2022/2023.
Kata Kunci: Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), Penulisan Teks Descriptive

How to Cite
siregar, despi. (2023, July 11). The Effect of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Ability at the Tenth Grade Students of MAS Baiturrahman Parau Sorat in 2022/2023 Academic Year. JURNAL LINER (Language Intelligence and Educational Research), 6(NO.2), 33- 48.