• Kasmudin Harahap STKIP Tapanuli Selatan


Land rights have an important role in human life. Basic Agrarian Law (hereinafter referred to as BAL) No. 5 of 1960, Article 19 paragraph (1) states that "to ensure legal certainty by government held land registration throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In the discussion of this paper the author raises the issue of how the legal certainty of land title certificates substitute for the implementation of court decisions that have permanent legal force, how the legal protection of the parties listed in the certificate of land rights of the surrogate In writing this essay the author using literature review (library research) to mentelaah secondary data. Based on the issues raised, it is deduced that the legal certainty of title certificates to land a replacement for the implementation of court decisions that have permanent legal force carried out at the request of the certificate owner or heirs of the holders setipikat that, by meeting the requirements or provisions regarding the issuance of a certificate the replacement. Requirements that must be met in order to obtain a certificate is that land must first be registered land. In the measurement of land registration and mapping, basic map-making registration, delimitation of parcels of land, measuring and mapping the areas of land and cartography registration, creation of land register, making of measurement certificate, and then publishing the books right certificates. Legal protection of the parties listed in the certificate of land rights surrogate force as a means of strong evidence about the physical data and the data juridical contained therein, all physical data and juridical data in accordance with the existing data in the measurement certificate and the land book rights in question.
